Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Animoto GECI Future Innovation

Global Enterprise Cloud Identity Animoto video.

My attempt to make a single sign on capability like the military uses for home users.  It also includes some expanded functionality for businesses.  It's limited to 30 seconds, so it's rather short. 

Problems with the Global Web

After watching a video presentation from Kevin Kelly (Kelly, 2007), I found myself at odds with some of the ideas he was proposing.  The video briefly looked at the first 5,000 days of the web and entertained what will happen in the future 5,000 days. 

I do think the web is amazing and it has come a long way.  I couldn’t do the job I do today without it.  I do feel what he is saying will likely come to pass in the next 5,000 days, but I have reservations with the consequences of what that could mean. 

The primary problem I have is with one system knowing everything about me.  While I don’t do anything wrong (legally), and I’m sure it would help to catch criminals, I have a problem with Big Brother (or Big Sis these days) watching my every move.  Not that I’m particularly interesting, but I don’t want to be a target of a future government.  Look at what Hitler did with the Jewish people during the Holocaust (Browning, 2004).  That was without technology; just imagine his reach to classifying and identifying individuals with a technology like this.  I do think most humans out there want the world to be a better place and will do the right thing, but I do feel there is always a minority of these insane individuals that may somehow grab power.  Our US Constitution and its protection of our freedom is something I take seriously.  Handing a vile leader the means to usurp our society on a silver platter is not my idea of a technology I would want in my world. 

Browning, Christopher, R.  (2004).  The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942. Lincoln, Nebraska:  University of Nebraska Press. 

Kelly, Kevin.  (2007, December).  The Next 5000 Days.  TED Talks.  Podcast retrieved from