Monday, March 26, 2012

Where are the flying cars?

 Its 2012, where he heck are the flying cars?  I remember as a kid that flying cars were something definitely in our near future, but it does not seem to be happening at the pace everyone thought.  While flying cars do indeed exist, the price tag makes them out of reach for most.  

If I were to determine the reasons why flying cars were not around, the Delphi research method would yield the best results.  Automotive giants must have considered this, so they would be some of the experts involved.  Federal regulators have made rules for the current flying cars, so they would be involved too.  Current companies producing flying cars would be another group of experts.  Through these experts we would be able to see why there is a slow adoption and what it will take to get the infrastructure up and the price down. 

While everyone wants flying cars for convenience, there are many factors to consider.  Some positive factors:
·         Getting to your destination faster is one of the main reasons for the use of the flying car, from a consumer’s perspective
·         Saving money since we don’t need physical highways is a money saver for the government. 
Some negative factors:
·         Mass amounts of aircraft on the road increases the chance of collision, causing a projectile to fall on cities
·         Vehicles could be used as flying missiles by terrorists  wanting to blow up something

Keeping all parties anonymous ensures the opinions are not given based on any peer pressure.  Given the stature and high visibility each participant would have, making them anonymous ensures they can give a non-politically based opinion on the subject matter. 

You Tube. Why we don't have flying cars. Retrieved January 27, 2012 from

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