Saturday, June 12, 2010

Metaphors and Media Literacy

Metaphors are used in our language to give life to our language by using concepts that are often unrelated to our word that is being used. An example of this is describing a person as cold or hot. The person is not being physically described as cold or hot, but we are identifying cold as treating others with indifference or scowl while hot means that we think they are attractive. It should also be noted that not everyone takes the same metaphor the same way. Our past experiences often lead to differences in how we interpret metaphors, but generally a consensus can be obtained.

An improvement process that I feel would work the best would be to expose someone to the many different tools out there. Here is what I feel would be a good mix:
1. Visit a blogging site and create a blog.
2. Visit a slide sharing site and upload a presentation.
3. Visit a social media site such as Face Book.
4. Visit a virtual social media world such as Second Life.
5. Visit a cloud based architecture such as Windows Azure.
6. Watch some videos on a video site such as YouTube about Media Literacy.

These steps will give a good introduction to someone about Media Literacy.

Geary, James. (2009). Metaphorically Speaking. Retrieved June 12, 2010, from
MNL Staff. (2008). The New Media Literacies. Retrieved June 12, 2010, from

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